You may submit a digital copy of your work here. Files may include documents, presentations, or pictures of completed work. Before submitting work, you must read and accept the terms of the Academic Honesty Checklist. By clicking "Yes", you are stating that you have read and understand the terms of this policy.
To upload a file...
1. Your name (FIRST AND LAST) must be included on the document/presentation/picture (hand written on picture files)
2. File name should be in this format: assignment name_date (ex. Chapter 1 Review_04192015)
3. Save file to your device (phone or computer)
4. Review Academic Honesty Checklist.
5. Fill in all fields of the form. If you do not have an email address, use mine ([email protected])
6. Click Submit. You should get the following message "Success! Your homework has been submitted!"
1. Your name (FIRST AND LAST) must be included on the document/presentation/picture (hand written on picture files)
2. File name should be in this format: assignment name_date (ex. Chapter 1 Review_04192015)
3. Save file to your device (phone or computer)
4. Review Academic Honesty Checklist.
5. Fill in all fields of the form. If you do not have an email address, use mine ([email protected])
6. Click Submit. You should get the following message "Success! Your homework has been submitted!"
ü This is my own original work. I did not copy the work of another person, in whole or in any part. I am submitting it as my own. ü I did not receive unfair/unnecessary assistance from another student, parent, computer program, or any other unauthorized source on a project, or assignment that was meant to be completed alone. ü I did not plagiarize. I understand that plagiarism is using the words or ideas of other authors and artists in my work without giving the authors credit. ü I did not take material from the Internet or another student’s electronic files and use it as my own. I did not copy text, graphics, musical scores, mathematics solutions, artistic layouts or presentations, or any idea in any form from another source without proper citation. ü I am not claiming credit for work that is not the product on my own honest effort. ü This is an original paper or project and has not been turned in more than once for different classes or assignments. Any student who breaches this Academic Honesty Contract is subject to disciplinary action that includes receiving NO credit for homework, project, etc. |